Blog Post

Perception Is Reality

  • By Allan Boushie
  • 09 Feb, 2017

Do You Ever Feel Like the Best Kept Secret in Town?

There is NOTHING more frustrating than knowing that you are offering the BEST products and services in your market - only to learn that no one else seems to know that you even exist or are an option!

We see this much too often.

After working with an entrepreneur or business owner for a short period of time we can see the signs. We see that this company is really good at what they do. They have great systems, great personnel, great checks and balances, a great product, awesome customer service and yet they're still struggling to achieve the sales they should and the market recognition they deserve.

This is the classic struggle between your Inside Reality and your Outside Perception.

Your Inside Reality defines who you are, what you do, what you believe, and how you do it. The problem is, a great Inside Reality alone doesn't make you any money. You could have the greatest product or services in the world, but if nobody knows about it, nothing happens.

That’s where your Outside Perception comes into play. Your Outside Perception is what your potential customers and client’s perception of what you do, what you believe, who you are and how your business runs.

Perception Is Reality

Here’s what we mean…

If you're perceived to be a run-down dumpy delicatessen you're going to get the results of a rundown delicatessen - even if you’re not!

The key to making a lot of money is to get your Outside Perception to match your Inside Reality. When you show your community what you do better and different than everybody else and promote it well great results will follow.

Let’s not be shy about this.

You MUST know what you do different and/or better than your competition and promote it from the rooftops - shout it out loud.
Stop being the best kept secret around.

In Chapter 3 of My Marketing Sucks we show you how to figure out exactly what makes you different, better and unique; how to dominate your market with your Unique Selling Points.

Shortly, your marketing will be able to scream from the rooftops:

“We are the greatest because we do xyz better than anyone else and we can prove it!”

In some businesses we find there is a big disconnect between your Inside Reality and Outside Perception.

Here is a good example...

We do annual customer surveys for our clients. Often, we find out business owners are too close to the trees to see the forest. Meaning, they can’t see the flaws their customers and clients can see. In the fitness industry, many club owners don’t realize when their facility becomes a little tired and worn at the edges. Yet, in the member survey, we may hear it over and over again.

The owner typically would say to us “I didn't realize it got that bad!” A fresh coat of paint, a new cleaning crew, attention to detail and the problem is solved.

Importantly, you need to let people know that you have acknowledged the issue(s) and what steps you are taking to address it. Remember, your Outside Perception is still bad. Nobody knows you cleaned it up or painted and carpeted the public areas. A handful of people are still coming in now, but those who have not been in recently don’t know you fixed the problems.

You need to get the word out to bring that Outside Perception and Inside Reality back into alignment. Pictures and videos testimonials used in your marketing, on your website and social media pages are a perfect way for you to change your Outside Perception to match your Inside Reality. Customer Surveys are a fantastic way to make sure your Outside Perception and Inside Reality are in alignment.

Surveys will produce dozens, if not hundreds, of quality testimonials from your raving fans.
They also help identify a few of those ‘trees in the forest’ you are missing.
For more about Surveys, go to -

If you asked your customers why they bought from you, they could tell you something quantifiable, specific, and instantly obvious. They could point to specific advantages of your services and say, "That's why I do business here; that's why I refer my friends to come here; that's why I'm a loyal customer of this place; that's why I don't mind paying more here; that's why I keep coming back."

That's your Inside Reality!

You're Not as Good as You Think You Are

Businesses with a great Inside Reality have innovated their service or product, giving prospective customers a REASON to buy from them. But here's a glitch: Just because you've achieved "WOW!" doesn't mean that customers are going to flock to your business.
You still have to market your business.

And that's where your "Outside Perception" comes into play.

We had a health club client whose revenue was flat for 5 years in a row prior to partnering with us. We launched a member survey to get some insight into what was going on. The surveys came back okay. They scored well on customer service, variety, cleanliness, price, value and convenience.

As we read through the comments, we saw a pattern. Most members felt like the club was fine, nothing wrong, and nothing great. But they never mentioned anything that made the club better, different or unique from other gyms in the area.

If your customers become complacent, they are wide open to anything New or Different that comes along. This business spent all their energy replacing customers who drifted away with new customers. That client recycling game is exhausting and doesn’t lead to growth… just the opposite.

                                                                           Your Unfair Advantage #1: Understand That Perception IS Reality

We went to work on innovating to get beyond just churning members through the club to get to the root of why our client was not growing.
The surveys showed us how much their members loved the club’s staff, personal training and their group fitness classes. They also pointed out a number of areas where the club could better serve them.

The survey results gave us a stake in the ground to help our client understand a few critical marketing truths and what to do to get to the next level.

Take Your Pride and Stick It on the Shelf for a Minute

So congratulations! You have a business where your customer service is great and your customer’s love you!
But none of that means squat to a prospective customer if (1) They don't know you even exist as an option; or (2) They can't distinguish your value because of your inability to market yourself properly.

They perceive that you are no better or no worse than anybody else.

Marketing ineptitude creates a chasm between your Inside Reality and your Outside Perception - a divide your prospective buyers cannot navigate. Regardless of how good you are or how good your "Inside Reality" is, your prospect can't figure it out if your marketing sucks.

You appear on the surface to be just another company that sells whatever it is you sell. The prospect will more than likely be apathetic at best, resistant, or hostile at worst.

Most business owners know what their customers want, but can't communicate their "Inside Reality" to the outside world. They can't take their WOW and lead prospects to the conclusion:

"I would have to be an absolute fool to do business with anyone else but you, regardless of price."

Think about your business.

Your ability to know what your customer wants is what has made you as successful as you are now. You have good products and/or services, and you fill a market need. You've studied your market, your prospects and your business for years, and you have solutions that add value to your customer's life.

Why, then, aren't you making all the money you deserve? Because you're an expert at what you do; not an expert in creating the systems, tools and marketing resources needed to crush your competition.

That expertise, my friend, is what we are bringing to you today!

Advertising executive Rosser Reeves once said, "To be effective, you've got to make the product interesting, not just make the ad different." That's something too many of the books, gurus, and agencies don't understand.

Visit an ad agency or a media sales rep and they'll say, "Just bring me any product or service and a big bag of cash, and we'll guarantee you that we'll spend all of it." They put all their creative effort into making the ad different, with no thought for the Inside Reality of the product or service.

It’s a Balancing Act

You've got to continually work on both sides of your business - the Inside Reality and the Outside Perception.

If you concentrate all your efforts on the Inside Reality but you don't know how to market properly, you set yourself up for frustration and failure. You'll be pulling your hair out trying to figure out where your money vanished to, or you'll feel like the "best kept secret in town."

Or, if you're focusing all your efforts on the Outside Perception, you may have bought some advertising or direct mail books, or you hired a PR or ad agency, or enlisted a media sales rep. Now you'll have customers, but they'll hate you because you're selling them a lie!
You must balance both sides of your business.

Most businesses could stand some improvement in both areas, but they struggle most with the Outside Perception. In reality, they have good companies and offer good value, but they don't differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

Just teaching you how to innovate leaves you with a wonderful, innovative company that nobody knows about. Just teaching you sales, marketing, advertising or PR techniques will drive in business that won't stick around because they receive no value. You have to consider both the Inside Reality and the Outside Perception.

Look at your current ads and your website. Is it instantly obvious what makes you better? Do you show your target audience what makes you unique and different? Do you communicate what factors they need to consider when deciding, and how you provide value? Ideally, do you provide them an easy, low-risk, next step they can take prior to purchase to see why you are the obvious choice?

If not, you have some work to do: Ensure that your Outside Perception is an accurate reflection of your Inside Reality. Convince prospects that you are the obvious choice with whom to do business.

Frustrated with marketing that does not work?
Looking for a systematic way to get more new customers, lasting longer and spending more on YOUR product/service/idea?
Pick up a copy of our Amazon Best Seller My Marketing SUCKS! - HERE
By Bob Sisk November 18, 2020
Is yours one of them? Are they really following the science or are they following the money? “Facts… Just the Facts m’aam” Joe Friday Look, we're all sick and tired of hearing this threat of another lockdown, another wave, and at the same time most of these governors are blocking the prevention and the treatment that we need. Let's follow the science even Dr. Fauci would agree with these three things. A) The healthier you are the better you'll fare. B) Coronavirus is not a death sentence for everyone C) A healthy immune system is more important than ever in the history of humankind
By Allan Boushie November 18, 2020
The concept of a Unique Selling Proposition or otherwise known as USP (Unique Selling Points) was developed back in the 1940’s. USP’s represent those features and details that a business has that makes it different (and/or better) than their competition.

Your USP’s, when properly communicated, will help you differentiate and separate your business or service as distinctive. Generally, it will convey your unique benefits to your prospective customers.

Everyone has heard of this principle. And yet, most businesses don’t follow it.

Owners copy from each other constantly. Grab an ad of yours and put your competitor's name on it and ask, does this still ring true? If so, you’re guilty too. In Reality in Advertising, one of our mentors, Walter Reeves perfectly defines the concept of USP’s in three parts, summarized here:

1. Each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer—not just words, product puffery, or show-window advertising. Each advertisement must say to each reader: "Buy this product, for this specific benefit."

2. The proposition must be one the competition cannot or does not offer. It must be unique—either in the brand or a claim the rest of that particular advertising area does not make.

3. The proposition must be strong enough to move the masses, i.e., attract new customers as well as potential customers.

The Most Common Marketing Mistake Being Made


When everyone looks the same, sounds the same and all says the same things, you leave your prospects with NO other choice but to compare each of you by price (cost).

This is so unfair and what the end result is, you end up ‘SHARING’ the market with your competition. Every time someone joins the market to sell what you sell, you take a pay cut.

That’s not why you went into business, is it?

If you can spend some time to uncover a number of the things that make you unique, that only you can say, you will separate yourself from the pack and truly CRUSH YOUR COMPETITION!


We have our own interpretation of this unyielding law of success:
Find out what you do better and/or different than your competition and promote the hell out of that.

Go to our website and download your Unique Selling Points Worksheet:
It will walk you through an exercise that will make your marketing 2x, 3x even 4x more effective.
Used in your marketing and advertising, you will make your competitors ‘invisible’ to your market.


Separate From the Pack to Dominate Your Market

They say that “Imitation is the Greatest Form of Flattery”.

That's a bunch of crap. It's a death sentence.

This is why there are copyright and trademark laws. It's to keep people from copying from each other because it hurts business.

We have a fitness center client we’ve worked with for years. They are out California in a very competitive environment. Everybody copies off of each other and the big box gyms kind of set the pace. What ends up happening is people share the marketplace with each other and nobody sees growth.

We recommended our client to begin working on developing their unique selling points to better promote their fitness and weight loss program.
Now, every health club has some type of weight loss program. People everywhere are looking to lose weight and most businesses are lazy marketers - so they merely copy off of each other.

However, our client does some unique things with their weight loss program:

● They have a start date, finish date and a goal date.
● They make sure everybody in their program hits their goals.
● They recorded results, they published it, and they gathered testimonials.
● They took before and after pictures.
● Videos of the class were produced for publication

Such detail and documentation were brilliant. Now they can prove in advance that their system works. Take a number and get in line.

Sign-ups were huge.

Now the buzz got out about this great program that’s producing great results. So what do you think the competition in the area did? That's right, they try to copy it.

It didn't work. They tried to add six or eight-week programs, they did things similar to our client. They put a couple before and after pictures up and they charged about the same price (only a little cheaper that's where they felt like they would steal the marketplace by being cheaper).

The reason that didn't work is because it was not unique - it was the same old, same old. From club to club, they all tried to sound like our client, look the same, and feel the same.

The result - they all became invisible and nobody joined any of them.

                                          Your Unfair Advantage #3:
      When People are Confused, They Freeze. Give Them Clarity!

Our clients’ program continues to grow. As a matter fact, not only did they grow, they are running multiple sessions at a time, week after week.

After a couple of months they converted it to an online program so they can launch it nationally. It's growing at the pace right now to become one of the biggest selling fitness and weight loss programs on the planet.

We don't want to jinx it because it is starting to see the success it really deserves because it is unique special and different. That's one of the keys one of the unique selling points. One of the things that make this better and different than all the other crap on the market is this... a little secret…

Are you ready for it? Can you handle it?

Here it is “You don't lose weight in the gym. You lose weight in the kitchen.”

All the competing health clubs made the mistake of trying to put together a fitness program in their gym to help people lose weight. They're showing before and after pictures of real people losing a few pounds and nobody was impressed enough to join.

Our client showed pictures of people who lost 10 pounds or more with their unique nutrition and weight loss program. Participants look great and were encouraged to wear flattering clothes to show what a great weight loss plan PLUS a fitness regime can do to tone up their new fat reduced bodies.

The ultimate benefit to losing the weight wasn't the number on the scale. It was that you look good, you feel good you're proud of yourself. You tone up and you get in the best shape of your life.

That's what our client is selling.

That's what they were showing off that's what made them better and different and unique from the rest of the marketplace.

Create Separation to Stand Out From the Pack

Can you get it to start to see how YOUR unique selling points can separate you from the pack and help you dominate the market?

Copying from each other, copying websites, ideas, and programs does nothing but create noise. Noise in the market creates confusion. Everyone starts to look the same, sound the same, and appear to be the same. Confusion creates inactivity. People freeze when they're confused.

Our competition at Profit Partners LLC steals ideas from us constantly. We put out a marketing newsletter every single Monday morning. We haven't missed one in over 13 years. That newsletter goes out religiously, without fail, so needless to say our ideas are out there to be seen.
Our competition takes them from us shamelessly!

We coined the phrase AutoPilot (as one word) for one of our products. Now it's used everywhere; we see it constantly. Thirteen years ago nobody was using the term and today we see it used in many places.

It drives us crazy and pisses us off when we see a competitor of ours taking our marketing ideas, repackaging it and start to sell it as if it's their own product.

We want to shout from the rooftops and call that person a thief and a liar.

Stop Thief!

Sadly, that's business in today's market.

That's what goes on today and why patents and trademarks have an expiration date - supposedly competition is good for everybody.
But man, when a competitor steals from you, it feels like a dagger through the heart!

                                            Your Unfair Advantage #4:
   Develop Your Own Unique Selling Points. They Are a Cornerstone of Your Marketing

It’s time to come up with your own unique selling points. To show people why you're better and different than everyone else.

Nothing feels better than to hear people say when they walk through your front door, call you, or send you an email - “I'm buying for you because you do XYZ so much better than the rest of those guys. I love the way you presented XYZ.” That's exciting.

That's what you need Unique Selling Points can do for you and your business. It can turn things around and give you a windfall of new sales, customers and revenue.

By Bob Sisk February 6, 2017
I dedicated a part of this book (My Marketing Sucks!) to winning systems and used the Patriots as an example. This was written when they were 4 and 1 in September while playing without their MVP Quarterback Tom Brady. It was not a surprise to see them win their 5th Super Bowl trophy. The article highlighted WHY they will continue to win and what we can learn from them…
By Bob Sisk December 15, 2016
MY MARKETING SUCKS has hit the bookshelves!  I'm so excited to see the feedback from the readers. 

It is exciting to see 13 years of hard work, trial and error, A/B testing and pure consumer level marketing. 

People of all types of businesses and occupations can learn from this material.  The book uncovers the powerful concepts at work that create winning results and over $50+ in new revenue for our customers worldwide.

It even includes a chapter dedicated to the 2016 presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and the  marketing secret that proved to be the difference in the outcome. All the surveys and projections were proven wrong 100% due to a strategic and tactical marketing plan both candidates deployed. 

You too can create your own personal victories using the same time tested strategies shared in 'My Marketing SUCKS!'

Available on Amazon - HERE

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